Efterlysning: Till er som kände Merja Korpi!!

Blev kontaktad av en reporter från dansk tv2 härom dagen. Det gällde en mycket allvarlig händelse och jag hoppas att ni som vet något om det här skriver till mig så jag kan vidarebefodra detta till reportern. Jag vänder mig främst till alla er som kände Merja Korpi. Särskillt till er som umgicks eller pratade den sista tiden med Merja. Varför detta kanske ni undrar. Jo för det har visat sig att en man som Merja chattat med en man från Danmark som nu är försvunnen. Vid ett tillfälle  tog Merja kontakt med mannens vänner på grund av att hon kände oro för att han skulle begå självmord. mannen försvann den 22 Maj. Reportern behöver hjälp med att få reda på vem Merja hade kontakt med tiden före hennes död. Jag hoppas att det finns någon där ute som vet något om det här. Det är viktigt att informationen kommer fram så fort som möjligt.  Jag hoppas innerligt att det här kan hjälpa på något sätt.

If i wanna here from an asshole, i fart!!

Postat av: Martina

Varför är det så viktigt?

Jag förstår ju att man måste söka efter en försvunnen människa, men varför kontaktar en dansk reporter dig? Jaja, hoppas det löser sig iallafall!

2009-08-26 @ 21:41:56
URL: http://twoeyesonesoul.blogspot.com
Postat av: Nana Kongelys

Hi! My name is Nana kongelys, i am from Denmark. it is my freind, Nico, that is missing. We have been lokking for him for a long time. everyday ...

I looked op his name on google, and descovered this web-side. I want to say thankyou, for posting this on your web. And express my kondolence for your lose.

If you find anything at all, please contack me, his dad or the danish police.

Nicos friend, Nana

2009-09-17 @ 12:53:39
Postat av: misshopeful

Hi Nana!

I know that it´`s Nico that has disappered, the Danish reporter Yigal from danish tv2 informed me.It´s so sad. I give all my informations and things that i remember to this reporter. Who also is in contact with Nicos family.

My kondolance for you to.

I really hope this is going to get an happy ending but i´m afraid that´s not possible any more.

Merjas friend Maria "misshopeful"

2009-09-17 @ 21:59:23
URL: http://misshopeful.blogg.se/
Postat av: Hein Toet

Dear friends of Merja,

I am the father of the missing young man from Denmark. I am very sorry about the death of Merja.

My son has in all probability taken his own life the 14th of may this year. Through the telephonecompagny I got a list of my sons latest contacts and I found Merja’s phonenumber. (the mobile-phone however is lost). The last sms was a farewell-sms to Merja. I didn’t know Merja, but heard at my son chatted with Merja. I sms-ed the 22th of may to Merja to get my sons last words. Merja was very sorry about my sons disappearing and sent me his last sms the same day.

If my son was alive, there was a possibility that he would visit Merja and I tried to find out where she lived. I had a bad feeling of suicide-chat on internet and I was also worried about Merja’s life. That’s why I took contact to the Swedish police: to save her life and perhaps find my son. The only mailcontact I could find was the policestation in Varberg, because of the ferry-connection from Denmark. But they answered that they couldn’t help me! Lateron a friend of my son phoned to Merja’s number and talked with her father, saying she was dead a few weeks earlier.

After 3 months searching without results I contacted the Danish TV2. They found Merja’s town, but their interest was more to find out the chat-communication and perhaps find someone alive, who could tell more about this chat.

I am continuous interested in finding my son, dead or alive in Denmark or Sweden.

2009-10-03 @ 22:00:29

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